6 Common Causes and Solutions for Coffee Bitterness
There’s nothing like taking that first sip of piping hot coffee in the morning to kick off your day… only to discover it’s so bitter you can’t determine the tasting notes. It’s unpleasant for your taste buds and instantly brings down the mood—a sad way to start the day. While some bitterness may be a part of the flavor profile of a cup of coffee, bitterness shouldn’t be a dominant taste. If your favorite coffee suddenly tastes bitter when it didn’t before, here are some common culprits and how to remedy the situation, as life is too short for bitter coffee. Problem: Grinding Coffee Into Oblivion Did you know your grind’s size can impact your coffee’s tasting notes? Coffee brewing is a science, and one of the leading causes of bitter coffee is over-extraction, or grinding your coffee too fine. Many mistakenly assume that to experience the most tasting notes from their coffee, they must keep grinding away until it’s so fine the water barely passes through it. While thi...